
2.74 min read

The CoBuilders : A Family First Company

At The CoBuilders, we operate in a family-friendly environment built upon a learning and innovation culture.

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Business Profile

House cleaning simplified; The CoBuilders technology delivers an end-to-end house cleaning service experience to customers at low prices by connecting homeowners, renters, and businesses with local professional cleaners. We remove the stress of finding house cleaning for customers by automating the order-to-delivery process associated with house cleaning orders. We also help professional cleaners grow their business and earn more through our automated cleaner hire technology. The CoBuilders is the first technology to provide this seamless value-based house cleaning experience.

Please describe best practices you have applied to attract, retain and train employees: 

At The CoBuilders, we operate in a family-friendly environment built upon a learning and innovation culture. For our talents, this means two things: (1) Each CoBuilder's personal and overall well-being is prioritized over job tasks. A happy worker gives 100%+. (2) The voice and ideas of each employee matter to our services and products. This organizational management philosophy keeps our talents energized and refreshed at all times. Additionally, it helps our talents relate to and embrace the vision of The CoBuilders.

Our benefits package is competitive, helping us retain 100% of the leadership talents onboarded when we launched in 2015. As our operations grow, we hire new talents through a short but rigorous and educational interview process. New talents are offered coaching and mentorship. They participate in operational meetings to gain exposure and shadow their leaders, preparing for career growth. We recognize and celebrate all national and local cultural holidays with our employees.

Our core operating system is highly cross-functional like Tesla's - meaning each department fully leverages the competencies of other departments in real-time. This process inhibits burnout, boosts productivity, and increases our GTM. When our workers realize they are set up for success, they stay, participate, and personally celebrate the company's wins.

Describe a major pivot that was the result of the pandemic that allowed your company to continue to operate:

When the COVID virus broke out, information on how best to stay safe was rare. The CoBuilders quickly set up a COVID Information Center that displayed infection stats, supply availability, and other safety tips. The information center was available to the public; however, even more, helpful for our team to be in the know.

We embraced the new normal early in the pandemic - switching to 100% remote operation in early 2020. Because openness and learning were the foundation of our management structure, we could share and exchange communications around personal and community safety in a way that made everyone feel safe. Some of our employees contracted the virus and had to quarantine. In a few cases, some ended up in the ICU. But they had every information in circulation available to them. We kept operating because we stayed informed individually and as a business.

Describe DEI practices you have implemented both internally and externally:

The CoBuilders is a "people first" organization. We build for people - all people, and so all people types are at home at The CoBuilders. Even when we create our products, we take a step back to ask, "will this make anyone feel left out?" And if "yes," we make the necessary changes to ensure inclusion. Now, our employees see this, and it assures them that as a company, we take diversity, equality, and inclusion seriously.

We hire based on qualification. That's it. The CoBuilders is a level playing field.

We celebrate all holidays and festivals. We exchange cultural and folklore music and share pictures of local events. First, DEI for us is organizational culture. And there are mechanisms in place to regularly train our people about the importance of acceptance, respect, and fairness.

Describe how your company is involved in the community: 

The CoBuilders is actively involved in community building in the United States, Nigeria, and India. Through our foundation, The Nelsons Foundation (, The CoBuilders offers scholarships to orphans and nutrition items (Healthy Infants Program) to children from very poor homes. We are poised to champion Technology Equity as AI becomes integral to people's life. We also want to make water a priority in the future. Video (

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